Welcome To My Blog.

"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Beware The Campylobacter Scare..!

Warning, post contains images of a sensitive nature !
If you aren't aware, the media in the UK are going crazy over informing people about the safety of not washing/cleaning their meat (Chicken, Fish, Beef & Lamb).
I recently had a blog reader ask me if i clean my meat before preparing any of the dishes i post on here. I do. I always have and always will.

I personally think this "crisis" is utterly ridiculous, and I'm shocked that people are jumping on the bandwagon and are cooking their meat WITHOUT cleaning it. The following blog post will give you the information the news does not, it will explain why i feel it is vital for you to clean your meat, and why i will continue to promote meat cleaning on this blog.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Recipe: Jerk Chicken Kittitian Classic (Summer Collection)

I'm stocking you guys up for summer! Remember the jerk sauce I posted not too long ago? No? Well have a refresher CLICK HERE all refreshed? Okay great! So here's a recipe, well not really a recipe, just something you can use the sauce with. The sauce itself (if left raw) can be used to season your meat, fish or veg (yes, jerk veg!) thus reducing your cooking time, increasing your summer time doubling your fun. Lol, okay so enough yapping lets get cooking!