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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Jamghaitian's Hair Diary

'Big Chop' Jan-11-14 
Join me on my natural hair journey.
I wanted to have a page on my blog so that any ladies who were on their natural hair journey could read about the products that i use, and avoid making the mistakes i made. 
Please read my BC post click here will tell you more about my i relaxed my hair, why i cut it, how it felt etc.
This page however,  will tell you more about my hair, the things i use and there will be month by month growth images, on my blog there will be a range of homemade recipes for you to keep your hair at it's best and most natural state! - Hope it helps gems.

Month 1: 
The BC
Short back and sides, my relaxed classic style since wearing my hair short for almost two years, so it was my natural hair style also - a move i later moved to regret. This was the month i took advantage of making mistakes, and BOY did i make them!
I went and brought a bunch of hair products on the day of my BC, picking up Mango & Lime lotion, using it on my hair thinking why is my hair so damn dry! I read the label, yes, i was using body lotion on my freshly cut natural hair, strike one, what did i learn, ALWAYS read the label of the products you buy! lolWash and go never felt so good! I really had to take this time to appreciate the easy life, the ready in less than an hour life, the tell your partner '5 minutes just doing my hair' and know it isn't a lie life lol. After reading and even seeing sistas with longer crowns, i knew this TWA life is the easiest path on the journey!
Dry hair.I'm glad i came across this problem during the first month, i really think spotting the problem early has helped my hair grow in a lot healthier. I was using a hair routine my mum had used on my hair when i was younger, wash, grease, chill. But this wasn't working for me. My hair felt DRY, BRITTLE, COARSE. I was getting worried, my relaxed hair never felt like that, surly creamy crack isn't what my hair needed...? I flew to google, and researched, watched youtube (god bless those vlogging sistas) forums (great learning foundation) and i came across the LOC method (liquid, oil & cream). This method right here! The basic method for healthy hair. I learnt more about my hair during that hour of research than i had before the creamy crack!

Month 2:
First Blow Out!
She has grown! The growth is just amazing. This month has been full of experiments!
Colour. It can be boring having natural hair, let alone having a TWA, least with longer hair braids are an option. with a TWA (0.5-2.0) your options are limited! One option you have is colour. I coloured mine out of impulse i was really bored of bland wash n goes. Theres only so much a woman can take for petesake!!
I used Semi Permanent Crazy Colour in Cyclamen, what a beautiful change, I felt so good. My hair kept moisture really well even tho it was coloured! 

Hair Texture.
As she grows, her texture becomes more evident, learning about it helps you to look after your crown better. According to the charts i have combination hair, but she is mostly 4b with a 4a at the back, the curls at the back are really loose.

What is 4b Hair?
  • Coily, springy hair with a 'Z' like pattern
  • Can be wiry, or finely textured.
  • Fewer cuticle layer which equals less natural protection from damage.
  • Cotton like feel (if looked after)
  • Between 65%-75% shrinkage!
Although hair charts aren't always exact, its good to know roughly which group you come under, so you can explore a basic hair care routine.

Month 3:
Wash n Go Perfection :P
Three months, how fast they fly. I have mastered the wash and go, although i haven't been short of experimenting with products but i think once you find a routine that works, you better stick with it, and maybe have one back up plan just in case.
She has grown. She is 2 inches on top, and around an inch, inch and a half on the sides - which is why i regret cutting it that way!
The temptation to get braids is itching me! If you follow me on twitter you know the demand is real.
I'm planning my first holiday with my natural hair also - should be fun, nowhere too hot but warmer than the UK i promise you that lol i will keep a hair diary while I'm out there.
Right now, I'm just letting her do her thing there are days when i don't apply nothing but LOC method to her which i think is doing her good, having that break from products such as gel.
I've been looking into making my own gel - blog post will be up if that happens, and I'm even thinking about making my own shampoo - every little helps! Oh and i have mastered the shea butter whip mix too! No more solid lotion, just light whipped but heavy duty shea butter. Hopefully by month 4 braids can be installed!
2nd Blowout

Month 4:
Four months! And boy do i have a lot of information to share with you guys!
First things first i am seeing length! I can feel length, i enjoy length, it is taking it's time but time is all we have lol. During this month i have done another blow out, a twist out, and small braid outs! So first to the blow out. I did one in month two, and the results were okay i guess lol a just a blow out. I tend not to put heat to my hair, but as my hair is so short i need my length somehow.
How did you stop your hair from getting dry?Easy, before applying heat i ensured the hair was damp - after washing i wrap my hair in a old t-shirt or material of the same type let it soak up most of the moisture then apply your three step system, blow dry out on a low heat and never work on one area for too long and re-apply your oil once you're done. My hair stayed fluffy and moist throughout the day.
First Twistout
Okay so the twist out. I did it twice the first time didn't like the results to be honest with you, my hair took the definition, but only in sections, see how the middle of my hair is really frizzy, and not really defined at all? Yeah, this happened at the front to - very annoying. But I liked the definition my hair took so i was willing to try it again so i did! Leaving the hair over night instead of leaving it for a few hours to dry as i did with the first try out. I also stretched the hair a lot more and waited to the last min to separate the curls the front of my hair was still highly frizzy had to re-braid but yeah the curls were popping! Day two hair is the best lol.
Second Twistout

Okay so issues i've had this month. Sore scalp! Not itchy, just sore near the crown. Now,, i had this during the second month to, don't think i documented it as such, but yeah it is a real issue and i tried to holla my dude google for answers, so apparently it could be a number of things heres a few i found online.
  • Hair Growth - The hair follicles tighten up which causes pain.
  • Damaged Follicles - Chemicals from the relaxer that may have killed the nerve endings in the hair follicles.
  • Scalp Sensitivity - Sensitive to ingredient in your current product(s)
  • Itchy Scalp
  • Product Build Up
  • Needs a Wash
There are the other reason, but these are the ones that i found. I was able to mark of three (the last three) as i mainly use my own homemade products anything sotre brought i have been using since day one both pre and post my BC. Damaged nerve ends, i did not feel this the first couple of months so i will skip that also. So i went with new growth coming through. 
But i had found the reason, not a cure! So i went into my basket of all things hair and blended a little something that worked to sooth the itching and numb the pain/inflammation. And it worked wonders for me! So here is my mix.

The 'Cure' For Itchy Scalp
In a spray bottle mix together
  • Water - Cold
  • AVC
  • Aloe Juice
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Rosewater (optional)
Mix together, and spray directly to the scalp where you feel the irritation, massage in an you should feel almost immediate relief. 

First Kinky Twists.
UPDATE:Guess who has long 'hair'. Lol.
Yes! At long last i have finally got my kinky twists in. I have to be honest, i didn't know how i would feel. But i really like them. I'm going to write a blog post on my experience with them - the up keep, sleeping, working out etc so you can get a feel of what i went through, and i'm certain some others have gone through also. Just wanted to share this quick update with you.

Month 6:

It's been half a year since i've been natural! Where has the time gone?
I know you're itching to see my length after i took out my braids! So let's see my hair in Jan..
To recap, i got my hair short back and sides,  most likely had half an inch on the top and less than that. I had only transitioned for 2 months around about. The picture on the left is my hair freshly cut, no product nothing.

Fast forward 6 months, I've already had one protective style in (doing another in a matter of days which i will be installing myself!) So here's the growth!
WOW! I know right. The growth is crazy. This is my hair after a tension blow out. Yup, my hair is long enough to do a tension blow out!

What have you learnt from your hair now it's longer?
Twist Out
Okay, remember in month 2 i was classing my hair as mainly 4b, this is on correct. Now my hair is longer, i can actually see the curl pattern a lot better! My hair is still a 4A 4B texture, however it is mainly 4A rather than 4B.
So, here's a quick list of 4A characteristics.

  • Tightly coiled hair, when stretched has a 'S' type pattern like 3C/B/A hair.
  • More moisture than 4B.
  • Definite curl pattern.
  • Wiry or fine textured.
  • Fewer cuticle layers = less protection from damage.
Again, as i've stated before, i don't follow these types to a T, it's just nice to know when picking products to use.
Yet again, as i am doing protective styles for the next few months i will not be updating this for a few months. I will come back with an update in a few months. :)

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