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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Thursday, February 27, 2014

BGWT: Snatch It Back + Weight Update

Sorry this is coming to you guys late, its almost the end of uni and the pressure is reaching a mad height right now lol, blogging is stress relief for me! 

As you know I have been on a weight loss journey since the start of 2014, and my last update had images of my progress and I stated I wasn't happy about the results - more so because of myself, not because the programme wasn't affective
So I went out of my way to buy the second chapter to the BGWT, and chose to snatch it back one more time with Ellen & Lana.

Now, if you saw the last post you may remember me saying it was poorly edited and the meal plan was plain, basic and lacked any real guidance to recipes. 
WELL, this dvd has had a facelift! So much of a facelift I am going to break it down just as I did the first DVD.
The DVD.
The dvd has had a real good change, they have really listened to their fellow gems the dvd now has a menu screen so you can skip all the intro etc. The exercises are tougher, more intense however! If I may be a little bit of a nit pick, if they could speak through the exercises before they performed them this is more a comment on Ellen than Lana. On the up, Ellen as always makes you work for those first lady arms. WARNING: Grinding is a killer! Lana puts you through drills to get the butt you desire, my glut has been sore for days. 
Oh and as a side note, they invited the women who have seen results to participate in the DVD which I thought was cute.
The Meal Plan:
Right, just so you know this review is half hearted. Why you ask, because I haven't really looked at the meal plan nor did I plan too I only got the DVD for the DVD so I am eating the same as I have been since stage 3 (week 4) with that said I would like to try the meal plan it looks more strict, 30 days of 30 meals with the same first week detox. Brilliant stuff for people who aren't as creative when cooking their meals.

Overall, I am really impressed with this DVD, I know I said I was going to do both DVD's on a day but seriously, who was I kidding? Lol. I will try. It's just so much hard work! But I'm game!

Haven't really done an update for a while. Its been almost two months and I have nearly lost a stone. There was a period of time where I was stuck in the middle of 13st & 14st and it was very very annoying and to know I am past that I feel damn good! I have the freedom of cheat days but hardly use them. I am eating well and changing my diet rapidly. Attempting Gluten free foods (update coming soon) I have not become vegan, and if I am highly honest with you, I don't plan to anytime soon, not with my health the way it is. But anyways thats another blog lol. The weight is dropping in numbers. It will take awhile for me myself to see it I assume but the weight is dropping! I have a bigger motivation now as me and my best friend are planning to go away, the last time we went away I didn't like myself in a two piece although I wore one. This time I am planning to took amazing in a two piece and or a cut out swimsuit!

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