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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Recipe: Hot Pepper Sauce The Kittitian Way! (Summer Collection)

In my family we are rather secretive with our meals and we hardly share how we prepare meals with each other let alone publish them in a blog, but this is something I have to share with all my spice lovers! This is a MUST HAVE for BBQ season, and you have plenty of time to perfect this before hand! So grab a bottle of water and get ready to make hot pepper sauce the Kittitian way!

Prep: 10mins | Cooking 1-2hrs

You Will Need:

  • 16 Scotch Bonnets seeds included - To reduce the spice remove the seeds, but this is time consuming. Use gloves! Can use Habanero peppers.
  • 1 Tin of pineapple chunks  with juice
  • 1/4 tsp All Spice
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1 1/2 Cup Orange juice
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar


  1. Give your pepper a wash and cut them in half (remove the seeds if your are cautious about the heat!) to make it easier to blend later.
  2. Add all the ingredients into a blender/food processor pulse a few times to break up the peppers & pineapples.
  3. Now blend until the mixture is smooth in consistency. Keep a window open, the peppers can get hot and can cause choking.
  4. Carefully pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to the boil on a medium heat.
  5. Reduce to a simmer, and cook for 10-15mins.
  6. Allow sauce to cool, then store in a bottle.
NB: Sauce can stay in the refrigerator for a maximum of 8 weeks
NB: Goes well with fish fritters, chip dip, seasoning and even in soups.

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