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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Review: Yoni Power + Comp {Closed 26.2.14}

As a woman, yoni care should never be in the back of our minds. We should always be thinking about the best way to take care of our inner queendom, our lotus flower.
If you know anything about me, you know I am a massive follower of Nerissa Irving, after reading one of her blogs on the 'love egg' (Click Here to view the post) I just had to find a UK supplier! As shipping to the UK from the USA can total up to an expensive splurge (£80 in fact!).

Well I am happy to report I have found a UK supplier YoniHealer  and at a reasonable price too! *YAY* So let me tell you a bit about what a yoni egg is, it's benefits and my experience with my own egg. 

What is a Yoni Egg?

Medium Jade - YoniHealer.co.uk
  • The Yoni Egg is a egg shaped, natural semi precious gemstone, which is inserted into the vaginal canal to aid the health, strength and maintain the youthfulness of ones sacred organ.
  • If used for 30mins everyday it can help to tighten, strengthen, tone and cultivate sexual energy in ones yoni & balance the Ying Yang energy.

How do I benefit?

There are a number of benefits to using a yoni egg, just to list a few:

  1. Improves personal health both physically and spiritually.
  2. Helps maintain a youthful vagina.
  3. Helps with blood circulation to the nerve endings in the vagina - increases the sensitivity. 
  4. Helps with the production of vaginal lubrication.
  5. Enhances sexual pleasure - for both partners.
  6. Makes you more intuned and connected with your yoni.
  7. Reduces cramping & abdominal pain during the menses.
  8. Increases the flow of sexual hormones.
  9. 100% natural - should have been first really huh?
  10. Helps keep vagina ph levels normal.

How has it been for you?

Personally, I am enjoying my experience with my egg, it is still early days but i'm sure it can only get better lol. Having only been using my egg for a short period of time, I can't tell you if I have noticed any difference, but i'm sure with time (three weeks apparently) I will notice the change.

What about Yoni Healer?

Well, YoniHealer.co.uk is an amazing website. Informative, detailed and simply captivating. If you've never done any form of kegal, or used a yoni egg before this is the website to start! It gives you all the information you need to know about why yoni eggs are used, how they are used, the multiple benefits as well as a size chart for you to find your perfect yoni healer.
With Yoni Healer the eggs range from £34.99 - £24.99 or you can buy yourself the kit that is around £69.99 and all with free delivery and clear delivery dates. 

So, would you recommend?

Indeed. Yoni Healer offer UK sold yoni eggs, which saves you on the US - UK shipping fees, Yoni Healer is perfect for first time egg users - such as myself. They are clear on how to use them - they even send you three very detailed leaflets with your egg to ensure you're going to use the correctly. 
I can't fault the yoni egg, nor can I fault Yoni Healer, But don't let me be the one to sell it to you, have a look at the website, the reviews and research the yoni egg for yourself and make your own decision.


Here's a chance to win your own Yoni Healer.
Simply comment the following "Your name, would love an egg" & the winner will be contacted at the end of Feb 2014! Good Luck