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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Monday, February 17, 2014

You vs The Taboo

The more I talk or read about this subject, the more I am coming to realise that there is a tremendous amount of taboo around the subject of the female sexuality, whether it be for the desire or for the simple exploration of one’s self.  It amazes me and somewhat stuns me when I come across women who lock away their sexual beast at the ‘off’ chance they may be considered as sluty, whoreish or lacking in self-respect. In the way the media have portrayed recent acts by singers such as Rhianna or Miley. Forgetting that there is a difference between whoring yourself and learning to admire your body and becoming one with your inner self. - A very big difference ladies, let us not get confused with this!

However, the biggest taboo among us women is masturbation. We run for cover when this topic comes up in conversation, let us throw in some stats shall we? A mere 30% of women admit to self-play less than once a month, 15% find their genitalia attractive, 85% have intimate encounters with the lights off or on a very low dim so their partner cannot see their body or vagina, 86% watch porn to compare their breasts, bum and genitalia and finally 25% admitting to watching porn for sexual pleasure, according to HappyPlayTime which is a programme which encourages women to explore their bodies more often, as well as teaching them new techniques and providing female anatomy lessons. The fact remains, a large number of women do not explore their bodies some don't even know how to. Most have not seen their vagina, explored their 'spots' or know a true sexual orgasm. - this needs to change.

Decades after the sexual revolution in our supposedly post-feminist era we are still fearful of the very thing we fought for. Cultural ideas and society opinions about masturbation and the female form still remains a complex taboo much to the disappointment of the women who fought for us. Years later we still find it uncomfortable to look at pictures of naked women and not just feel attracted to her, but to feel the sexual energy. (Which is why this post will be full of naked/half naked to get you used to seeing them and wanting to explore your own). 
It is also an understanding that the second taboo among us is female nudity.
I know what you're thinking, But Li, naked women on posters have caused an outrage for years they teach us to cover up. Yes they do. Nobody needs to be seeing all that booty and all those breasts while out in public with sexual predators roaming, but what is stopping you from releasing your inner sexy in the walls of your own home.
No one is asking you to do a playboy pin up, or anything. Just day by day, build up the confidence. Take a nude in the shower, watch yourself in the mirror as you lotion down. Spend an hour a day exploring your body, feeling it noticing how your skin reacts to your touch.
We can't expect our partners to know everything, especially if you're in a heterosexual relationship, men are not as in tune with our bodies as they may expect us to be, but how can we teach them how to drive the car if we can not even take our own wheel? And I'm not just talking about sexual pleasure, I'm talking about embracing and connecting. And that begins with YOU!
Nudity is one of the most beautiful things in the world to me - @breewylde
If you follow me on Twitter @TheOneYouFollow or Instagram @IAmBaldyLocks you would know I am very open about my sexual attraction to women, or should I say the female form. I try and follow pages that explore the same admiration as I, and I have found one! Instagram @Breewylde who posts the most amazing DIY and professional photo's of the most beautiful women. Along with beautiful jewelry pieces. I mean just have a look at one of my favourite images from their insta page.
Image from: Breewylde Instagram
Seriously, one of my faves. Not showing too much nudity, not giving too much away but strikes with confidence, beauty, captures the beauty of the female form. I do understand that some women may not be at say this 'stage' but as stated earlier, build up in steps. I know, you're asking me how?! Well here is how i started.
1. Find yourself in an icon.
Mine, the wonderful., beautiful Nerissa. Mother, Wife, and Ex-PlayBoy model. Following her on social media opened up my sexual awareness, taught me about my vaginal health. 
2. Find yourself.
Find your sexual being. Start loving yourself again. Treat yourself to new underwear. Treat yourself to a massage, awaken YOU.
3.Treat your vagina
Treat your vagina like another part of you, detach it from yourself mentally, then provide it with the love you want it to deserve. Buy a toy. There are tons of toys for beginners, Bondora are an affordable UK online sex shop. Learn your anatomy, we cannot guide our partner without knowing the road ourselves. 
4. Explore your zones
Do this once every 5days. Wow. Yes,  5 days how else will you learn? Use that new toy, not just on your vagina but on your zones, breasts, inner thigh, stomach, back of the thigh (might be best to get the other half for that one).
5. Have fun
Exploring your body is not a chore. Exploring your feminine sexuality is not a curse, it is a blessing. Find your sexual goddess, explore your dome, your crown. Know that your sexual energy is what you are building up upon. There needs to be no taboo on what we control. 

Grab your sexuality by the ears and control that MF!

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