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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Saturday, February 01, 2014

BGWT: A Month On

IT'S BEEN A MONTH! Guys, it's been a whole month since I started BGWT. And how am I feeling? GREAT! Honestly, I really do feel great. I feel better about about my food - in the respect that me and food have a better relationship a better understanding about food, oils and healthy fats.

Quit lying, how did you really do?

Okay, let me stop the BS. It has been a tough month. Within my first week i went out for a friends birthday, drank, ate Chinese and felt like crap. - did a detox after that for two days, felt better. I have done well minus the obvious. Minus struggling with digestion I've done okay food wise.

Food wise? So the DVD hasn't stuck?

No, it has stuck however I haven't been sticking to the days & times, but I miss like a day or two, but still that's kind of bad right? 

What about working out, outside the DVD?

Yes, I do it. It's tough but I do try. Abs mostly.
Why? Because doing the same workout is annoying, Plus it is boring so I do a carnival workout and an ab challenge. 

So what are your results so far?

I'm not happy with my results if I'm honest with you, but they are results. People have been complimenting me on how much weight I have lost, how I look slimmer - that's good, they do say people will notice your weight loss before you do. I have dropped a dress size in both tops & bottoms. Well here's images of my progress.

The day I started:

The end of week 3:

Pretty good huh? Not great, but good! I can see dramatic differences in my hips - I've lost 2.5 inches off them! Gluts are higher, shaped still giggle tho' =(. Love handles have reduced, stomach has gone down in size, so I guess it works huh?

So what is next for you Li?

Well, let me tell you, I  am very happy with this programme, the meal plan I have made my own! It has been thrilling to be eating so well again. 

I am actually doing the detox week again as support to my mother who is starting this programme - cute huh mother and daughter losing weight together lol!

In terms of my workouts I have purchased BGWT Snatch It Back which I will be putting into order this month and I will be rotating the DVD's and having one day where I do both DVD's - I am not ramping with my buddha belly lol! 

So, if you are considering this workout plan, DO IT! It gets tough, but just picture yourself in that sexy body con. Lord knows I have been lol!

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