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Sunday, January 12, 2014

BGWT: Week One Review.

Week One
The first stage is finally over. I feel great however I have hit a few complications. 
This stage is the detox stage, the cabbage soup being the main source of that, maybe it's just me but I don't feel like it cleaned out my system as I had assumed it was so I found other ways to help it along like Fybogel the high fibre orange flavour drink, green teas morning and night as well as a digest and detox teas by twinings which seems to be helping.
After a week of doing the DVD, I feel fitter, healthier, and my body hurts a pain i am slowly getting used too. I follow the workout 5/7 days and even on my days off i'm either doing the ab workouts or squatting while I clean. I also use a belly burner which helps the body/belly sweat a lot faster and my dingo does it!

The workouts are brilliant. The DVD could have been structured better considering the other DVD's I have seen / owned. Other than that i've enjoyed every moment of this week!
I've been very creative with the meals that i've been allowed to eat, just by using the allowed foods, i've been full every meal time. Most days I will just have a bean salad and a glass of water and will happily wait until 5pm to eat again. I really would encourage anyone to try this and stick to it. It has been tough, i've fallen off twice had one prawn ball from my mothers take away and one bag of wotsits that I shared with my cousin, lol. 
I'm looking forward to next week. Get to eat meat again. I will however be eating only the soup on monday for every meal, just to boost my system into a cleanse.

See you at stage two!

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