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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Learn To LOVE

Dear women of colour,
Why must we bring each other down?

Remind one another that we are poles apart from each other, but are we really different from each other?

Your kinks. Her curls, are the reason why we began to reunite with one another, rejoice with each other uplift one another.
But still you remind me that we can’t help one another? That we're different from each other?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Natural Hair: Are you obsessed with growth?

Why won't my hair grow? She cut her hair the same time as me and her hair is longer? What can i take to make my hair grow faster? What products make my hair grow faster? Sound familiar?

Pause. Hold it right there ladies. Lets get a few facts in to help bring you back down to earth.

Hair grows at an appx length of 4th of an inch per month! Which means on average (with the correct diet and care) your hair will grow between 5-6" a year! However your genetics will play a MASSIVE role on the rate that your hair grows although most naturals will tell you different this is something you cannot avoid. If your hair grows at a slower rate, it grows at a slower rate, and vise versa. Thats the reality, thats the truth lets  just digest that.