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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Recipe: Dragon's Ice Cream

Hooray!! London Town has finally gotten some sun, and hot sun at that! For the past few weeks we have been between 24-34 degrees, now i don't know about you but the warm weather always has me craving ice cream but ice cream today is so boring and not to mention with inflation darn expensive! So this is an ice cream i threw together which you can make and make your own twists too!

Prep Time: 5mins | Cooking Time 2hrs

You Will Need:

A Tub of your favourite ice cream - I use vanilla
1 Dragon fruit - Cut & scooped out 
4 shots of Jamaican Rum

Keep the dragon fruit skin for an awesome bowl that can be thrown away


Because this is a quick meal, we won't be wasting time by making our own ice cream, however it may be easier to add all the ingredients, that choice is yours i have done it the lazy way lol.

  1. So part melt your ice cream should be soft enough to move from the ice cream tub to a mixing bowl, in this bowl 
  2. Then add the dragon fruit seeds & all! finally add the rum. At this point taste the mixture if it isn't sweet add a teaspoon of brown sugar (as it is smoother) or even honey.
  3. Once mixed you can either add the mixture back into the original ice cream tub or you can add some of it into the dragon fruit flesh as it makes an awesome bowl.
  4. Place back in the freezer for a few hours!
And that's it. Dragon's Ice Cream!
This can be done with any fruit however the rum is best with the following:
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Strawberries
  • Mango
  • Kiwi
  • Peaches
All the things i used for this ice cream

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