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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Recipe: Spicy Chop Suey

Hey there guys, here is a really quick and simple recipe for some more comfort food. I have to say that this recipe just blew my mind away once I had actually cooked it, and I really hope you enjoy it. As I've said i enjoy foods from all corners of the globe, this recipe just happens to have an oriental twist to it. Good enough for all the family and much healthier than your local take away!
Prep Time: 15mins Cooking Time: 30mins
Serves 4

You Will Need:

  • Two skinless chicken breast - Flattened
  • Medium egg noodles
  • Packet of Chinese Stir fry veg
  • 1 chilli - Finely chopped w/seeds
  • 1 ginger thumb - Finely chopped
  • 2 Medium white onions - Finely chopped
  • 1 Medium red onion - Finely chopped
  • 2 Carrots - finely chopped at an angle.
  • 4 1/2 tablespoons of runny honey
  • 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds - NB can be slightly toasted
  • 1/2 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
  • 4 tablespoons Oyster sauce
  • 4 tablespoons Dark Soy sauce - HO Light Soy
  • 1 tablespoon Cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon Chilli Powder - Optional
  • 1 tablespoon Chinese five spice
  • Salt & Pepper to taste.


  1. First things first prepare your chicken. cover your chicken with a sheet of grease proof paper and using a rolling pin batter the meat until half a cm thick.
  2. Once the meat is nice and flat remove from the paper and clean removing all fat. Once cleaned put the meat into a mixing bowl. Into this bowl add the following Salt, Pepper, Cayenne pepper, (Chilli power), Five spice. massage the dry ingredients into the meat (you can do this the day before and take the meat out a few hours before cooking to get it to room temp) before adding the Dijon mustard & honey. also add the sesame seeds. And that's your chicken prepared and sorted
  3. In a pot put some water, salt and a teaspoon of oil pop in your egg noodles these should take four minutes on a high heat, so place them on a medium heat so that you have time to grill the chicken.
  4. In a grilled pan put a small amount of oil and allow it to heat place the meat on the pan and give each side around 2-3 mins or until the honey has turned the chicken golden brown. once the meat is cooked the noodles should also be done, so place the meat onto a plate and put to one side, drain off the water from the noodles and prepare the wok for the stir fry.
  5. In a wok heat some oil, once hot add the following, Chilli, Ginger, Onions, Carrots & stir fry veg. Then add the noodles while adding the oyster sauce & soy. It is possible to add some salt at this point just to taste.
  6. With the chicken breast just slice it up so its easier to place on the top rather than mixing it into the noodles although this is optional!

And that is it guys! My twist on Chop Suey, enjoy!

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