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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Let's talk water!

Water, water oh how many of us have a love hate relationship with water! - personally I love the stuff, but many of us hate how water has 'no taste', some don't seem to think water has any importance to our diet and instead drown their bodies in the flavoured alternatives such as Volvic Flavoured Water. So i'm going to give you some of the benefits of water and the best way to get all your vitamins and fall in love with water! 
NB: these recipes are safe for children too so get your kids off the fizzy and on to the best drink of life!

What are the benefits of drinking water?

Well I think that is that covered huh? You even get a way to break down how much water you should be drinking each day - although I drink around 1.5-2 liters a day.

But water is so boring!

Well that's your issue lol. Kidding! There are ways to jazz up your water as I have said before and right now, i'm going to walk you through it.

Infused Water: Water that has been flavoured with fruits and herbs. Give you the quickest way to get your daily vitamins and all the good stuff you need! Below is one of my most favorite blends. 
The water is really simple! You basically place your ingredients in your Jug, Jar, or Bottle use a wooden spoon to "bash" out the juices and flavours then add water and hey presto! 
NB: Just because the images show them in a jug/jar you can simply put them in a reusable bottle and refill with water as you go through the day. 

Lemon, Lime, & Orange (Cucumber Optional)

 This is by far my best blend! It's a great detox blend, aids in weight loss, healthy skin, liver, kidney!
flavored water
Picture: TheYummyLife.com
There are so many different types of blends you can create. Here are my two fave websites which have the best blends ever!!


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