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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Natural Hair: Month Post BC

It's been just over a month since I shifted the relaxer, and made the choice the grow my hair natural (read the BC post here) and I have fallen in love with my hair, I am really enjoying my natural hair journey. I'm just going to take the time to give you a quick update on how I'm coping and the products I am currently using to maintain my curls & healthy hair.

What type of hair do you have?

If you've read my first post, you would have read that I said my hair is not defined by any letter or number - which it isn't, but I've been curious to find out my hair type, that is easier said than done! According to the 'chart of all hair' ¬_¬ I am a 4A which means my hair has an "S" pattern to it and can be densely packed and has no natural protection from damage. However, looking at the images as seen on naturallycurly.com I feel I have a 4B hair type. It is all very confusing so to be honest I take all this information with a pinch of salt and just look after my ever growing TWA.

What do you use?

  1. Trigger bottle filled with Water, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Tea Tree Oil & Conditioner.
  2. Coconut Oil - Amazing stuff!
  3. Shea Butter homemade mix - great for thirsty hair!
  4. Shea Decadence Cocoa Frappuccino - Leave in, perfect if you don't have a Shea Butter mix!
  5. Shea Decadence Hair Latte aka Hair Milk - Defines curls without using gel.
  6. Shea Decadence Black Castor Oil & Nilotica Shampoo.
  7. Tresemmé Naturals Nourishing Conditioner. 
  8. Tresemmé Naturals Nourishing Shampoo.
  9. Eco Styler Olive Oil - Great for 2-3 days curl definition.
  10. Olive Oil Edge Control - Keeps those baby hairs in check!
That's literally all the products I am using at the moment. I use the first 3 as part of my LOC method (Liquid, Oil, Cream) and if my shea mix is low, or ran out I use 4&5 instead. All the above products I will personally give single reviews for at a later date.

How are you finding it?

Amazing. It has been lovely starting this journey, I follow some amazing people on Instagram who are my little piece of inspiration to keep at it. I am getting annoyed that it isn't as long as I would like it to be but it has only been a month, what was I really expecting? Lol.
I've coloured my hair, and during the first week experienced mass amounts of dryness, and a crunchy feeling to my hair, that's when I mixed up my Shea butter mix and was like dryness, what is dryness? 
I still have yet to explore with head bands, hair clips and all that good stuff but I'm sure once my hair gets a bit longer I will be braver. 
For now, I curl my hair have a side part and that's me done lol.

Advice for your fellow sistas?

If you are going to go natural, GO FOR IT!! What's the worst that can happen? If you don't like it, so what? go back to a style you are used to, no one can judge you for that although they will try their best too! Stick at it ladies, The big chop is a big change, but it is an amazing one. Remember you don't need to do the BC in order to have natural hair, you can transition, that isn't a crime either! Just make sure you're doing the natural hair journey for the right reasons, because unloved hair will show it neglect! Dare to be different!

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