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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Review: ACV Rinse (Shea Decadence Kinks)

Shea Decadence has quickly become my favourite UK seller of natural hair care & skin care products, I have a post going into detail about the products I have already click here.

But right now I want to do a full product review of my first Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. I use a far amount of Eco Styler in my hair, along with my other products it can create a lot of build up in ones hair, however shampoos as great as they are can be damaging to our hair therefore I wanted to try a more healthy alternative for cleansing my hair, hence why we are here lol.

You can get ACV from most places, such as hair stores, amazon etc. I got mine from SD of course, it came in my Kinks starter kit and kind of just ignored it if I'm honest lol. But after I developed mass amounts of build up I wanted to try it! What harm could it do to try?

So according to the hair experts and 'experts', ACV is a must have in your natural hair journey - I missed that memo. Anyways I can see why they may suggest that! My results were amazing! I have to show you my before and afters. NB: This is a build of of around 3-4 days worth of Eco Styler, Shea Butter, & my SD products, hair was spritzed lightly with water for photo purposes so you guys could see the build up while the hair was lightly damp, although when dry small flakes were still visible to myself and my mum. 

My hair felt amazing after this rinse, the build up was gone hair was soft the smell took less than 20mins to go. The rinse is really gentle and to be honest I have no idea why I didn't listen to the hair 'experts' and buy some before! Will be using this rinse at least once a week (as I co-wash & wash every week anyways) Really loved this product! Give it a try ladies! Lovely simple rinse for your kinks!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for taking the time to review our products! So glad they work for you! I often use the rinse when I haven't got time to wash my hair just to give my hair a clean slate until I'm able to wash x
