Welcome To My Blog.

"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Thursday, February 27, 2014

BGWT: Snatch It Back + Weight Update

Sorry this is coming to you guys late, its almost the end of uni and the pressure is reaching a mad height right now lol, blogging is stress relief for me! 

As you know I have been on a weight loss journey since the start of 2014, and my last update had images of my progress and I stated I wasn't happy about the results - more so because of myself, not because the programme wasn't affective
So I went out of my way to buy the second chapter to the BGWT, and chose to snatch it back one more time with Ellen & Lana.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Recipe: Hot Pepper Sauce The Kittitian Way! (Summer Collection)

In my family we are rather secretive with our meals and we hardly share how we prepare meals with each other let alone publish them in a blog, but this is something I have to share with all my spice lovers! This is a MUST HAVE for BBQ season, and you have plenty of time to perfect this before hand! So grab a bottle of water and get ready to make hot pepper sauce the Kittitian way!

Prep: 10mins | Cooking 1-2hrs

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Review: Shea Decadence

The long awaited review is here, I was going to type my opinions, but somethings are better heard not read lol!
Sorry again, about the poor quality I'm not really a Vlogger you see so my iPad was the best I could do lol!
I hope you enjoy the review all the details of the products reviewed will be at the bottom along with the hair show mentioned! Enjoy!

Review: ACV Rinse (Shea Decadence Kinks)

Shea Decadence has quickly become my favourite UK seller of natural hair care & skin care products, I have a post going into detail about the products I have already click here.

But right now I want to do a full product review of my first Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. I use a far amount of Eco Styler in my hair, along with my other products it can create a lot of build up in ones hair, however shampoos as great as they are can be damaging to our hair therefore I wanted to try a more healthy alternative for cleansing my hair, hence why we are here lol.

Monday, February 17, 2014

You vs The Taboo

The more I talk or read about this subject, the more I am coming to realise that there is a tremendous amount of taboo around the subject of the female sexuality, whether it be for the desire or for the simple exploration of one’s self.  It amazes me and somewhat stuns me when I come across women who lock away their sexual beast at the ‘off’ chance they may be considered as sluty, whoreish or lacking in self-respect. In the way the media have portrayed recent acts by singers such as Rhianna or Miley. Forgetting that there is a difference between whoring yourself and learning to admire your body and becoming one with your inner self. - A very big difference ladies, let us not get confused with this!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Natural Hair: Month Post BC

It's been just over a month since I shifted the relaxer, and made the choice the grow my hair natural (read the BC post here) and I have fallen in love with my hair, I am really enjoying my natural hair journey. I'm just going to take the time to give you a quick update on how I'm coping and the products I am currently using to maintain my curls & healthy hair.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Let's talk water!

Water, water oh how many of us have a love hate relationship with water! - personally I love the stuff, but many of us hate how water has 'no taste', some don't seem to think water has any importance to our diet and instead drown their bodies in the flavoured alternatives such as Volvic Flavoured Water. So i'm going to give you some of the benefits of water and the best way to get all your vitamins and fall in love with water! 
NB: these recipes are safe for children too so get your kids off the fizzy and on to the best drink of life!

Saturday, February 01, 2014

BGWT: A Month On

IT'S BEEN A MONTH! Guys, it's been a whole month since I started BGWT. And how am I feeling? GREAT! Honestly, I really do feel great. I feel better about about my food - in the respect that me and food have a better relationship a better understanding about food, oils and healthy fats.

Quit lying, how did you really do?

Okay, let me stop the BS. It has been a tough month. Within my first week i went out for a friends birthday, drank, ate Chinese and felt like crap. - did a detox after that for two days, felt better. I have done well minus the obvious. Minus struggling with digestion I've done okay food wise.