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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

BGWT: Day One

So, as some of you may know I've started a new healthy eating regime courtesy of Black Girls Workout Too. (BGWT-Prep click here)
Today, was my first full day of the entire thing, the meal plan week one, stage one & the workout DVD. i'm just going to give an overview of what i'm feeling so far and how hard it has been, for me.

The DVD.
As they say "No pain, No gain" and my goodness do you feel the pain in this workout! The DVD is in sections first you have your upper body workout with Ellen. I was bussing a sweat from the offset. She makes you work HARD, it's all Go, Go, GO! That jiggle is the best! Even with Lana, it is all go, those sumo squats tho, you really feel it in your inner thighs and your butt will hurt for days.
Due to a physical illness I haven't been able to do all the exercises however the ones I can do, I am still feeling the burn! - Doesn't mean you should slack off tho'!
Overall, I am enjoying the DVD it is hard work, but it is great fun!!

The Soup w/ yogurt

The Meal Plan (Stage One)
When I read through the meal plan, I was disheartened.
No meat for a week?! I mean really? However, it hasn't been all bad. I've been hungry yes, but the fact you can eat as much fruit & veg as you want, I take advantage of that.
There isn't a fixed meal plan in the booklet, so i've really been basic with the meals, so that i don't fall off. My typical day would consist of:
8am: 2 tablespoons of fruit w/ 2 tablespoons of greek yogurt
11am: 'The Soup' w/ yogurt
2pm: Brown rice w/ Pinto beans & Salad
5pm: Veggie Chilli
7pm: Brown rice w/ Steamed veg
9pm: Optional light snack
Brown rice w/ Beans & Salad

The meal plan is going very well, as i said before, i get hungry but take advantage of the food allowances you have. Ensure you have the rice, it is very filling especially if you have it with a side of beans and some veg (see image).
I won't lie to you, it is hard not having some form of meat whether it be fish or chicken but the fact i'm not hungry for long is what is keeping me going!

Looking forward to the next stages! Next week I welcome meat back into my life. can i get an amen?

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