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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Recipe: Turkey Burger w/ Fries

Who said healthy food needs to be boring and bland? Heres a great recipe for a little treat spicy turkey burgers, great on naked whole wheat buns! So cheers to healthy food and cheers to a taste bud party!
Prep: 20mins | Cooking Time 1hr
Serves 4

You Will Need:

  • 1 Packet of turkey mince - If you're not doing healthy eating beef or pork will be fine.
  • Half a medium onion, diced
  • Sweet potato, sliced into chips
  • 4 tbsp Cayenne Pepper
  • 4 tbsp Olive Oil 
  • 1 tsp Chilli Powder
  • 1 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1 Egg
  • Half a cup of bread crumbs
  • 1 tbsp Flour 
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Patty in Breadcrumb Mix
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese  


  1. Season the mince with the onions, 2 tsp of Cayenne Pepper, 2 tbsp of Olive Oil, Chilli Powder, Soy sauce, a handful of breadcrumbs, the flour and some salt and pepper. Mix well. NB. This mixture can be placed in the freezer and defrosted when ready to use!
  2. Cover a small plate with some bread crumbs and the cheese and mix well. Then prepare a suitable sized patty and lightly cover with the bread crumb mix.
  3. Brown off the patties in a pan, give each side 2mins or until lightly golden. NB. the cheese really helps to give the patty some crunch!
  4. Place into an oven at gas mark 7 for an hour.
  5. Season the fries with the rest of the Olive Oil & Cayenne Pepper and place into the oven for an hour, turning them over every 15mins.
  6. Serve on naked whole wheat bun, with some salad.

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