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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lazy 24/7

I just wanted to share my thoughts on something. You may not share the same opinion as me but hey!

Why do we as women make up excuses to workout? I mean, if I look at myself I kept putting it off until I was sick of making excuses and having a iffy sometimeish diet which I am now doing something about and feel amazing!

However, i've seen so many females larger than myself proclaim a certain lifestyle when really they are sitting around baking cakes and eating cheese, then moan about their weight Why? Excuses for not going gym, not eating right. Why?
Get up and do something about it?!

I feel sorry for these women, I don't know if its a lack of confidence or sheer laziness, but if you know you are unhealthy why do you continue to be as such? 

Why does it need to be 'too late' before overweight people do something about their health? Why should the NHS fork out money because you failed to use your perceptiveness and do something about it?

It annoys me, like seeing an overweight person, struggling to breathe, waddling, belly hanging by their knees sitting in McDonalds eating a LARGE BigMac & a LARGE Coke! The Fuck?!
I am no workout guru, nor do I wish to be - too much pressure! However I do think we need to start looking after ourselves and stop these lazy behaviours. The first step to a better life is a retrained mind. Educate your mind to know, diet alone is not the answer!

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