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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Recipe: Kale Crisps

As many of you may know i'm on the road to a healthier lifestyle. And i've been scared to buy the "low fat" crisps, so I optd to make my own! Using a recipe I saw on the Official Nerissa Irving website | NerissaIrving.com I made this myself today and the results have made me craven for more! I promise you, you won't want to buy any of that horrible stuff from the supermarket ever again!!
Prep: 5mins | Cooking 15mins

You Will Need:

  • Kale - washed & dried
  • 2 tbps Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1tbps Sea Salt 
  • 1tsp Brown Sugar
  • Paprika - optional 
  • Grease Proof Paper


Kale Prep

  1.  Wash and dry the kale - you can use a salad drier or use a tea towel.
  2. Place the greaseproof paper on a flat oven safe dish and place the kale evenly over.
  3. Season in the order the ingredients appear and lightly toss for even coverage on kale leaves.
  4. Place into the oven at Gas Mark 4 / 180 Celsius for 10-15 minutes or until the leaves are dark green/light brown
  5. Leaves can be placed into an airtight container until ready to eat!
Kale + Mackerel

Once made you can serve with pretty much anything.
I like to have mine alone or with a type of fish, such
as mackerel. 

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