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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Natural Hair: The Big Chop.

The 'Big Chop'
Since 2012 i've been contemplating going all 'au naturale'. Having not seen my natural hair since the age of 15, I have no clue what my hair needs. The white creamy crack in theory was meant to make my life easier, because I didn't enjoy being the black girl with thick uncontrollable hair, being charged more at the hairdressers because my hair was so thick with 60% shrinkage relaxer was the 'answer' - how wrong I was. My hair broke so many times so I optd for short hair, and for the past two years i've had short hair - so the big chop isn't really big but yeah...Since late October I haven't touched a relaxer i've got a little fro or a TWA growing through and I think it's time I cut off the man made hair, and gave my mane some loving as for the past 8 years I've become tired, my hair is tired we are both just so tired of chemicals and the damage and just want TLC!

However black hair care isn't as simple as it used to be any more, so I really had to do my research on all types of things, and here's what i have established.
  • I refuse to label my hair with a number and a letter! my hair is, what it is beautiful!
  • What works for Jane won't work for Roxanne.
  • Trial and error is ALLOWED!
  • Patience is key - guess i need to find some!
  • 'Experiments' can be fun!
Taking all of that on board, watching endless youtube videos, reading X amount of forums, blogs and mags i went for it. No one apart from one person knew what I was going to do, this weekend. But i've done it. The Big Chop. And how do I feel?


I only cut it today, and i've had so many compliments. I love the feel of my natural hair, the curls I have, it's texture. Now i've been asked already if i'm willing to grow it out and be a full afro doing a yearly length check. The answer is, no. I'm going to be rocking a TWA i've had short hair for almost two years and it suits me, so no reason why I can't rock my natural hair short too right? 
I feel complete. Me. Empowered. I have my natural hair, no more relaxer! No more harsh chemicals. No more heat!

Just me & my Teeny Weeny Afro

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