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Monday, January 06, 2014

BGWT: The Prep

BGWT - DVD Cover.
As of 06/01/2014 I made steps to start a better healthier life. A friend of mine showed me her friends results from using BGWT DVD & eating plan. BGWT is a mother daughter duo Ellen Ector (how amazing does she look for 60!) who works on upper body & Lana Ector who works on lower body and core.
So i said to myself, when i'm serious i'm going to jump on that bandwagon, and drop some pounds!

I've had the DVD for almost 4 months now lol, But my graduation is this Nov, so im looking to lose enough weight to look good for that day, as well as have a healthier diet as i've been smoke free since Oct might aswell be fat free as well right? Lol
So far, i've had a wiz through the DVD and it seems like hard work! But it does seem like a full body fat burner so i guess thats good! But the 30 meal plan is VERY vague. I ended up googling a lot of my questions, going onto other pages of people who have reviewed it etc. That was a bit of a let down, it does however have an amazing list of all foods, nuts and drinks you can eat - brilliant!

You have 3 stages crossing over 4 weeks - i assume once you're at week four, you just continue on that for healthy eating. Stage one is your cleansing stage where you basically say goodbye to all the foods you love! The meal plan does tell you all the things you're allowed but only give you three basic recipes to follow - This i was not happy with! You also have a 'soup' which is meant to clean you out (review on this click here) Stage 2 (weeks 2&3) you can slowly add things back into your diet- yay. Chicken and fish are back on the menu as is avocado amen. In your final stage you're allowed to drink and have a cheat day! - Thats a basic overview of the meal plan!
Results of  BGWT.
I'm looking forward to starting this new journey, i hope the reviews and recipes i post are helpful - cause this meal plan isn't that great, and the website has like three other recipes on it lol! Thank you for walking this journey with me!
My measurements as of Jan 6th
Chest: 36in | Waist/Tummy: 37in | Hips: 49in | Thighs: 25in | Calf 15in | Arms: 12in

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