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"You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Review: Yoni Power + Comp {Closed 26.2.14}

As a woman, yoni care should never be in the back of our minds. We should always be thinking about the best way to take care of our inner queendom, our lotus flower.
If you know anything about me, you know I am a massive follower of Nerissa Irving, after reading one of her blogs on the 'love egg' (Click Here to view the post) I just had to find a UK supplier! As shipping to the UK from the USA can total up to an expensive splurge (£80 in fact!).

Well I am happy to report I have found a UK supplier YoniHealer  and at a reasonable price too! *YAY* So let me tell you a bit about what a yoni egg is, it's benefits and my experience with my own egg. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Recipe: Turkey Burger w/ Fries

Who said healthy food needs to be boring and bland? Heres a great recipe for a little treat spicy turkey burgers, great on naked whole wheat buns! So cheers to healthy food and cheers to a taste bud party!
Prep: 20mins | Cooking Time 1hr
Serves 4

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lazy 24/7

I just wanted to share my thoughts on something. You may not share the same opinion as me but hey!

Why do we as women make up excuses to workout? I mean, if I look at myself I kept putting it off until I was sick of making excuses and having a iffy sometimeish diet which I am now doing something about and feel amazing!

However, i've seen so many females larger than myself proclaim a certain lifestyle when really they are sitting around baking cakes and eating cheese, then moan about their weight Why? Excuses for not going gym, not eating right. Why?
Get up and do something about it?!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Recipe: Oriental Tiger Prawns

Plated Up!
Stage two of BGWT allows you to have more flexibility, so i've created a recipe which is both filling and extremely quick to make, with flavour and it will give you a different mindset to healthy food being 'boring, and bland'.
  Prep Time: 10mins | Cooking Time: 10mins
Serves 2

Recipe: Kale Crisps

As many of you may know i'm on the road to a healthier lifestyle. And i've been scared to buy the "low fat" crisps, so I optd to make my own! Using a recipe I saw on the Official Nerissa Irving website | NerissaIrving.com I made this myself today and the results have made me craven for more! I promise you, you won't want to buy any of that horrible stuff from the supermarket ever again!!
Prep: 5mins | Cooking 15mins

Sunday, January 12, 2014

BGWT: Week One Review.

Week One
The first stage is finally over. I feel great however I have hit a few complications. 
This stage is the detox stage, the cabbage soup being the main source of that, maybe it's just me but I don't feel like it cleaned out my system as I had assumed it was so I found other ways to help it along like Fybogel the high fibre orange flavour drink, green teas morning and night as well as a digest and detox teas by twinings which seems to be helping.
After a week of doing the DVD, I feel fitter, healthier, and my body hurts a pain i am slowly getting used too. I follow the workout 5/7 days and even on my days off i'm either doing the ab workouts or squatting while I clean. I also use a belly burner which helps the body/belly sweat a lot faster and my dingo does it!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Natural Hair: The Big Chop.

The 'Big Chop'
Since 2012 i've been contemplating going all 'au naturale'. Having not seen my natural hair since the age of 15, I have no clue what my hair needs. The white creamy crack in theory was meant to make my life easier, because I didn't enjoy being the black girl with thick uncontrollable hair, being charged more at the hairdressers because my hair was so thick with 60% shrinkage relaxer was the 'answer' - how wrong I was. My hair broke so many times so I optd for short hair, and for the past two years i've had short hair - so the big chop isn't really big but yeah...Since late October I haven't touched a relaxer i've got a little fro or a TWA growing through and I think it's time I cut off the man made hair, and gave my mane some loving as for the past 8 years I've become tired, my hair is tired we are both just so tired of chemicals and the damage and just want TLC!

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

BGWT: Day One

So, as some of you may know I've started a new healthy eating regime courtesy of Black Girls Workout Too. (BGWT-Prep click here)
Today, was my first full day of the entire thing, the meal plan week one, stage one & the workout DVD. i'm just going to give an overview of what i'm feeling so far and how hard it has been, for me.

The DVD.
As they say "No pain, No gain" and my goodness do you feel the pain in this workout! The DVD is in sections first you have your upper body workout with Ellen. I was bussing a sweat from the offset. She makes you work HARD, it's all Go, Go, GO! That jiggle is the best! Even with Lana, it is all go, those sumo squats tho, you really feel it in your inner thighs and your butt will hurt for days.
Due to a physical illness I haven't been able to do all the exercises however the ones I can do, I am still feeling the burn! - Doesn't mean you should slack off tho'!
Overall, I am enjoying the DVD it is hard work, but it is great fun!!

Monday, January 06, 2014

BGWT: The Prep

BGWT - DVD Cover.
As of 06/01/2014 I made steps to start a better healthier life. A friend of mine showed me her friends results from using BGWT DVD & eating plan. BGWT is a mother daughter duo Ellen Ector (how amazing does she look for 60!) who works on upper body & Lana Ector who works on lower body and core.
So i said to myself, when i'm serious i'm going to jump on that bandwagon, and drop some pounds!